Upgrade from Community Appsmith (Kubernetes)
This page provides steps to upgrade Appsmith Kubernetes Community Edition.
Before upgrading, ensure you have:
- Signed up on customer.appsmith.com and generated a trial license key.
- At least 2 GB of free storage space for the backup process.
- Deployed the latest version of Appsmith. Refer to Upgrade Appsmith Versions to update the version.
- Created a backup of your Appsmith instance. For instructions, see Backup instance.
Upgrade Appsmith installation
Follow these steps to upgrade your Appsmith installation:
Create a folder named
on your machine for deployment and data storage. Then, navigate to this folder using thecd
command. -
Add the Appsmith chart repository with:
helm repo add appsmith-ee https://helm-ee.appsmith.com
Load the Appsmith chart repository with:
helm repo update
Generate the
with:helm show values appsmith-ee/appsmith > values.yaml
Deploy Appsmith with:
# Give a desired name to your namespace by replacing <NAMESPACE>
helm install appsmith appsmith-ee/appsmith -n <NAMESPACE> --create-namespace -
Restore the backup data using the Restore Appsmith instance.
Restart the pods with:
kubectl rollout restart statefulsets/appsmith -n <NAMESPACE>
Get pod name with:
kubectl get pods -n <NAMESPACE>
Verify the installation locally by forwarding port 8080 to 80 with:
# Replace the <NAMESPACE> with the your namespace
kubectl --namespace <NAMESPACE> port-forward appsmith-0 8080:80 -
Open https://localhost:8080 and wait for the server to come up. It can take up to 5 minutes. Once the server is up and running, access Appsmith at https://localhost:8080.
Log into your Appsmith account.
After successfully verifying the Appsmith installation, you may choose to delete the Appsmith Community Edition namespace:
If you face issues, continue to use the Community Edition namespace and contact the support team using the chat widget at the bottom right of this page.